Right now when you want to send a message using the Google Messages app, you see a single bar on the bottom that says either Text message or RCS message depending on who you're chatting with. If you plan on chatting with an iOS user, or an Android user not running a messaging app that supports RCS, it will show the former. Chat with a fellow RCS user and the text field will say the latter. 

Before you tap the single text bar on the bottom of the app, you'll see to the left of the Text message or RCR message label an emoji shortcut. Further to the right inside the bar is a shortcut for the photo gallery and the plus sign. Tapping on the plus sign reveals shortcuts for various features including the Galley, GIFs, Stickers, Files, Location, Contacts, and Schedule Send. To the right of the text bar is a shortcut for the highly praised Recorder app.

When you tap on the single text bar, a second bar that says Text message or RCS message shows up on top with the bottom bar showing the aforementioned shortcuts for emoji, photo gallery, and the plus sign. And again, outside the text bar remains the shortcut for the Recorder app.

On the left, the current version of Google Messages with the revised text bar on the right

Per 9to5 Google, a new version of Google Messages is being tested with the latest beta version (20240404_01_RC00) of the app. With this redesign, once you start typing on the text field, it remains a single bar with the emoji shortcut on the left and the photo gallery and plus icon on the right side of the field. Next to the field on the right side is a separate shortcut inside a circle for the Recorder app.

The only difference between the two versions is that the current one adds a second text bar so you can type your message on the top and have the bottom bar for shortcuts. After the update, that second bar does not appear which saves space and most users will probably agree that getting rid of that wasted space is for the better.
